Healthy Tips And Refrigeration Tips

Top 5 Healthy Tips: 

1. Do not wash the vegetables after peeling or chopping. This will wash out all the water soluble vitamins. 

2. Whenever vegetables or dal is cooked in water, many nutrients are left back in the water. So do not throw it away. Instaed use it when making some gravies or soups. 

3. Potatoes have their nutrients in their skin. So try using potatoes without peeling it. 

4. Eat fruits like apples along with its skin. 

5. Tamarind can be substituted with raw mango powder. 

Top Refrigeration tips: 

1. Keep coriander leaves in a ait tight plastic box in the refrigerator to keep them fresh for a long time. 

2. Remove the stem of the chilly while storing them whole. Another method is to make chilly paste and store it for a long time. 

3. To store fish longer and freasher, clean it, apply turmeric and salt and put it in the freezer.


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