Mint Chutney

Ingredients :

Batch 1 :
Mint leaves - 1 bunch
Cilantro - handful
Cumin seeds - 1/2 tsp
Garlic - 2 cloves (optional)
Green Chillies - 3 (or to taste)
Lemon Juice/ Tamarind Juice - 1 tblsp
Salt - to taste

Batch 2
Yogurt / Coconut/ Peanuts - 1 cup (as needed for the type of chutney to be made)

Preparation Method :

Type 1 (Mint Chutney with yogurt) :

1. Blend all the above ingredients above except yogurt till it forms a fine paste. Use little less lemon juice in this type of chitney as yogurt will also give some sourness.

2. Mix the yogurt to get a nice chutney consistency.

3. Serve with tandoori chicken and chicken kababs.

Type 2 (Mint Chutney with coconut) :

1. Blend all the above ingredients along with fresh grated coconut till it forms a fine paste.

2. Serve this type of chutney with dosa or idli or any south indian snacks.


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