Ladyfinger Masala

Ladyfinger Masala :


Lady fingers-250 grms.(Sliced in to longitudinally)
Oil-4 tbspoons
Coriander seeds-2 spoons
Cumin seeds-1 spoon
Drie red chillies -8
Roasted peanut-1/4 cup
Garlic-5 cloves.

Preparation Method:

1.Heat oil in a Non stick pan.
2.Take another dry pan and roast Coriander seeds,Cumin seeds,and Dry red chillies and grind well in to powder.
3.Add lady fingers which are sliced in to Longitudinally and add in to oil Pan and fry for some time till they were well cooked.
4.To this powder add Roasted Peanuts and Garlic cloves and grind like crushing and kept a side.
5.Add the crushed masala in to fried Ladyfinger and add salt and cook for some time with out lid.
6.Garnish with coriander leaves and fry until Dry consistency.
* Serve With Hot Rice.


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